As a graduate of the US public school system, university system on both the Bachelor and Master level, and a public school teacher for over 7 years, my entire life has been spent in academia. I've been on both side of academia and have shared the experiences of both student and educator. So when I say the public school system needs reform, I say it with certainty and confidence.
Public education in America is the one sector of America that continues to operate on age old ideals and practices. It wasn't until COVID came that America began to explore new ways of educating.
Education reform is needed for various reasons but none more important than the fact that this system does not benefit anyone as in concerns the principles America was founded on; Capitalism. In a nutshell, our schools teach us to be workers and employees but America was founded on Entrepreneurship and ownership. To add insult to injury, our schools reinforce white superiority through the history and literature that is taught. And the group disadvantaged the most is an already disadvantaged group; Black Americans.
So my question to you is, how can we as Black Americans collaborate to reverse, change, improve, or create a educational system that works in the favor of our children and our families?

Great post!